Dr. Angela Merkel is the first German Chancellor to be born after the World War II and nevertheless she has constantly apologized for the Germany's past warcrimes and actions against world peace, putting great effort not only on bringing an end to the enmity and conflict existing between Germany and the war-victimized states, but also on raising awareness of the human dignity throughout the world. By doing so, she has greatly contributed to relations and to the value of peace and international realization. Chancellor Angela Merkel also demonstrated great leadership in overcoming the european economic crisis that first broke in Greece and led to the financial crisis of other eurozone countries in the south. She helped said countries out of crisis by demanding tight fiscal policies and big reforms in their public sector with a bold initiative to set things right, and by doing so played a crucial role in saving the European Union from falling apart. It is also notable that her leadership in overcoming the Euro Crisis helped to prevent the spread of its impact on a global scale, which could have affected the welfare of others around the world. Chancellor Merkel was awarded the 12th Seoul Peace Prize in recognition of her outstanding contribution to protecting human rights, promoting peace, and preventing war and terrorism through international cooperation. Her leadership and dedication to overcoming the Euro Crisis, and her efforts to resolve such issues as climate change and sustainable growth was also recognized. |